Save Your Photos Day in Downtown Orlando

We had an amazingly successful Save Your Photos Day at the Orange County Library in Downtown Orlando on Saturday, September 27th. In conjunction with OXO Digital Organizers and EZ Photo Scanning we were able to help those in the community not only preserve their precious photos digitally but also hear about what do with them once they were digitized.

Here are the top 3 take aways from the event.

1. Get organized.

Although time consuming and sometimes a daunting task it's best to get your photos and items you would like to digitized organized first. This way once they are digital you can actually find what you're looking for. Bonus.

2. Get digitized.

Scan it. Scan it all {PS we can do that for you}. Digital is the future, it's the way we share, easily connect and preserve everything from all disasters.

3. Save it here and there and yes, over there too.

Now you're digitized. Yippee! You can't rely on one DVD or one USB thumb drive or one computer to be responsible for all your digital files. Share the responsibility among a minimum of 3 different outlets. Some examples are a DVD or thumb drive at friend or relative's home or in a safe deposit box. In the "cloud", icloud is a good one so is An additional computer in your home or an external hard drive is a great choice as well.

Thank you for all those who came out and took the first step in preserving their memories!

Call us anytime if you need anymore information on preserving your photographs and memories.

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